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A nursing home is an establishment entrusted with caring for the elderly. However, each and every day these types of facilities are reported in abuse cases. When you entrust this type of facility to care for your loved one, you are trusting that your loved one will receive the best care possible. When this does not happen it can be devastating to the victim as well as the victim’s family.
If you suspect that your loved one is the victim of Alexandria nursing home abuse you need to contact our nursing home abuse attorney at Chris J. Roy, Jr. APLC right away. They will walk you through each and every step including who you need to report the abuse to and how to ensure your loved one is in a safe environment.
The fact remains that the injuries sustained due to nursing home abuse can be severe and even life-threatening. Unfortunately, many of these cases go unreported. The nursing home residents make easy targets for abusers and if they do not have loving family members to advocate on their behalf they could have to endure this type of treat day after day for the duration of their lives. Oftentimes their lives are even cut short due to the Alexandria nursing home abuse and neglect that they experience.
Don’t let this senseless abuse continue. By speaking up for your loved one you do not know
how many other lives you could be saving.
Nursing home abuse is just like any other neglect – it can happen in many different ways. Some of the most common types of abuse include:
Sadly, the more vulnerable the elderly person is, the more likely they are to suffer from abuse. This especially occurs when the nursing home resident suffers from dementia as the abuser thinks they will not be able to accurately report the abuse that is occurring, or if they do that no one will believe them.
Unfortunately, as mentioned above, these types of abuse situations are rarely reported to law enforcement. There are a number of reasons why and some of these include:
The resident is embarrassed at their situation.
It is very difficult for many individuals to go through the aging process, and the fact that these people, who were at one time very independent, are now being targeted for abuse can be difficult for them to admit to their family and their friends.
They may not understand that what is happening is wrong.
This can be very difficult for the abuser’s family and friends to understand. However, when the abuse increases gradually over time, it just becomes expected. Also, the resident will sometimes be made to feel that it is their fault that they are being treated the way they are. Finally, as mentioned above, there are cases where the nursing home resident suffers from dementia and they are not fully aware of what is going on around them.
If your loved one is not reporting the abuse, it does not mean that it isn’t happening. If you have seen the signs of nursing home abuse or nursing home neglect, it is important that you report this right away. From there, it can be fully investigated, and any wrongdoing can be dealt with accordingly.
There are many signs of Alexandria nursing home abuse and it is important to note that if you notice any of these situations you take action immediately. It is important to familiarize yourself with these signs of abuse:
As experienced nursing home lawyers, we know the law inside and out. We know exactly what needs to be done to keep your loved one safe and free of nursing home abuse. We also know that your loved one is entitled to compensation for the abuse they have endured and we can make sure that your case is heard in a professional manner that will ensure your loved one will receive all of the compensation they are entitled to.
We know what a terrible situation this can be for any family. Our nursing home abuse attorneys are here to help. Call us today for your free consultation and tell us your story.
As an attorney for nursing home negligence, I have represented hundreds of families whose family members have been the victim of nursing home abuse or neglect. These cases range from bedsores, which are now called pressure ulcers, to repeat urinary tract infections, sepsis, medication errors, and outright abuse of the patient. They also include repeated falls in which persons are either dropped or fall and suffer serious injuries.
In many instances, you as the family member can contact the State of Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals and file a complaint. This complaint will be investigated by the surveyors at the nursing home who will render findings. Those findings can be used in a subsequent lawsuit.
Often, residents suffer from poor hygiene, such as lying in excrement or urine, which causes skin breakdowns. If these pressure sores become septic, they can lead to death. The same is true for repeat urinary tract infections.
In choosing a nursing home, you should visit the nursing home and talk to other families of residents to see how much staff is present not only during the week but particularly on weekends when injuries often occur. You can also go to and look up the ratings of various nursing homes in our area to determine whether they provide adequate or substandard care. Our Alexandria medical malpractice law firm takes these cases on a contingency fee basis. Most of them have to be filed under the Medical Malpractice Act, which is a special law dealing with healthcare providers. These cases are expensive because experts are needed to be hired, and they sometimes take years to complete. What is unique about our firm is that we investigate the case totally and take all depositions in order to find out what happened to your loved one. We understand the emotional strain that someone experiences when their loved one is neglected or abused in a nursing home. Our nursing home lawyer provides empathy for those clients and the resources to get justice for those abused persons.
As a former state legislator and a practicing nursing home neglect lawyer for almost 30 years, I have fought for the rights of victims of negligence, nursing home neglect and abuse, and small businesses against those powerful special interests such as insurance companies. I will continue to do so for you if you honor me by allowing me to represent you. Call our nursing home attorney today or contact us online.
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