
Alexandria Birth Injury Attorney

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Birth Injury Attorney

No one thinks it will happen to them, but the risk is real. Approximately seven out of every 1,000 live births in this country involve a birth injury, which translates into 28,000 birth injuries each year. Labor and delivery are complicated processes, and it’s easy for something to go wrong. When something is the result of a preventable medical mistake, it can be heartbreaking. Even minor birth injuries can affect a child’s quality of life, so legal action should be considered in order to help them have the best possible life under the circumstances.

If you suspect that your child has suffered an avoidable birth injury, you have options, and you owe it to yourself to explore them. Pursuing a legal remedy now may result in a financial windfall that can greatly ease your child’s unique challenges. In addition to physical pain and distress, even mild birth injuries can carry a lifelong need for expensive medical treatment such as physical therapy, surgery, rehabilitation, and medication.

Alexandria medical malpractice lawyer Chris J. Roy, Jr. knows what to look for and how to craft an effective case to secure maximum compensation. A trusted advocate, Chris fights to protect the rights of the littlest patients and their families. By choosing the Chris J. Roy, Jr. Law Firm, you will benefit from nearly three decades of experience and skilled representation. He handles claims from anywhere in Louisiana, with a concentration in Alexandria, Pineville, Rapides Parish, and Grant Parish. For a free consultation to find out your options, contact Alexandria birth injury lawyer Chris J. Roy, Jr. by calling or filling out a case evaluation form.

Recognizing Issues Caused By a Birth Injury

While physical problems caused by birth injuries may be immediately obvious, cognitive and developmental ones may not appear or be diagnosed for years. If you’ve noticed that your child is lagging behind in common milestones such as lifting their head up, crawling, talking, or walking, or if those actions seem abnormal, don’t simply blame yourself and assume you have failed your child somehow.

Delayed development is a common sign that there has been an injury.

An Alexandria medical malpractice attorney can have an expert examine the medical records for proof. In fact, there are many scientific tests typically performed during labor and delivery that can be inspected in each case, including the acidity of the baby’s blood at birth and the APGAR scoring system that assesses appearance, pulse, grimace, activity, and respiration.

Some common medical errors that can increase the risk of birth injury include:

  • Failure to identify fetal distress and respond accordingly
  • Delayed cesarean section delivery
  • Medication mistakes
  • Misreading the fetal heart rate monitor
  • Erroneous use of forceps or vacuum extractors
  • Mishandling obstructed labor, especially shoulder dystocia
  • Not diagnosing potential birth complications
  • Failure to respond to the mother’s health conditions before and during labor.

Many common birth injuries stem from either physical trauma or oxygen deprivation:

  • Fractures– newborns have fragile bones that don’t heal the same way as mature ones, so breaks can lead to permanent complications.
  • Brachial Plexus Palsy/Erb’s Palsy/Klumpke’s Palsy – damage to different areas of nerves that radiate from the spinal cord into the fingers.
  • Cerebral palsy– a brain injury that encompasses several different neuro-muscular deficiencies that make many basic motions impossible.
  • Perinatal asphyxia– lack of oxygen, usually related to pressure on the umbilical cord, exposure to certain drugs, rapid blood loss, or untreated infections, can result in neurological damage.
  • Brain and spinal cord injuries– hemorrhaging, overstretching, and paralysis are frequent side effects of negligent delivery.
  • Shoulder Dystocia– a specific case of obstructed labor whereby after the delivery of the head, the anterior shoulder of the infant cannot pass below. It is diagnosed when the shoulders fail to deliver shortly after the fetal head.

Central Louisiana Birth Injury Attorney Chris J. Roy Jr.

Central Louisiana birth injury lawyer Chris J. Roy Jr., founder of the Chris J. Roy, Jr. Law Firm, understands how difficult it can be for families to deal with the trauma of medically negligent birth injuries. He seeks to ease the financial, mental, and physical burden that the litigation process can add by consistently communicating with you, as well as handling the complicated details so you can focus on what’s important. While the law firm is large enough to supply the necessary resources to handle any type of personal injury, it is also small enough to provide the individual attention that your case deserves.

Call Our Alexandria Birth Injury Lawyer for A Free Consultation

Children who suffer birth injuries are innocent victims whose care can be both challenging and expensive. This type of malpractice action is brought out of need, not malice, so if you are a parent shouldering this heavy burden, remember who you are doing it for. Chris J. Roy, Jr. will carefully examine all possible avenues for compensation to make sure you get the best recovery possible. An experienced litigator, he takes pride in helping victims of medical negligence throughout Louisiana. For help with your legal claim, contact the firm today for a free initial consultation by calling or filling out this online form.

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