
Nursing Home Negligence Lawyer in Marksville, LA

Home-Nursing Home Negligence Lawyer in Marksville, LA

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An organization in charge of looking after the elderly is a nursing home. However, reports of abuse at these facilities are made every single day. You can be sure that your loved one will receive the highest quality care when you entrust them to a facility of this kind. For the victim and the victim’s family, it can be terrible when this does not occur.

Contact our Marksville nursing home abuse attorney at Chris J. Roy, Jr. APLC as soon as possible if you believe a loved one is a victim of abuse in a nursing home. They will guide you through each and every step, including how to make sure your loved one is in a secure setting and to whom you should report the abuse.

The injuries a victim of nursing home abuse may receive are severe and even potentially fatal. These cases unfortunately frequently go undetected. If they do not have caring family members to stand up for them, nursing home residents risk having to put up with this kind of treatment every day for the rest of their lives. Nursing home residents are ideal targets for abusers. They frequently suffer abuse and neglect in Marksville nursing homes, which even shortens their lives.

Keep this needless cruelty from happening, please. You never know how many lives you may save by standing up for a loved one.

What is Nursing Home Abuse in Marksville, LA?

Abuse in nursing homes can take many different forms, just like any other form of neglect. The most typical forms of abuse include:

  • Abuse of the Mind
  • Neglect in Nursing Homes
  • Physical Violence
  • Abusive Language
  • Misuse of finances

Sadly, an elderly person is more prone to be abused if they are more defenseless. This is especially true when the nursing home resident has dementia because the abuser fears that they won’t be able to disclose the abuse accurately or that, even if they can, no one will believe them.

As was already indicated, these kinds of abuse incidents are regrettably not often reported to the police. Numerous factors exist for this, some of which are as follows:

The resident feels humiliated by their predicament.

Many people find it very difficult to age, and it can be challenging for them to disclose to their loved ones and friends that they are now being targeted for abuse despite having once been very independent.

They might not comprehend that what is taking place is incorrect.

Families and acquaintances of the abuser may find it quite challenging to comprehend this. But when the abuse gets worse over time, it just becomes the norm. Additionally, the resident may occasionally be led to believe that their poor treatment is their fault. Last but not least, there are instances where a nursing home resident has dementia and is only dimly aware of their surroundings.

The fact that your loved one is not reporting the abuse does not imply that it is not taking place. It is crucial that you file a report as soon as you become aware of any evidence of nursing home abuse or neglect. From there, it can be thoroughly investigated, and any wrongdoing can then be addressed in the appropriate way.

Know the Signs of Nursing Home Abuse in Marksville, LA – It Could Save a Life

The indicators of nursing home abuse in Marksville are numerous, therefore it’s crucial to act right once if you see any of these circumstances. It’s critical to become familiar with the following abuse indicators:

  • Agitation
  • Bed sores
  • Bruised bones
  • Bruises
  • Poor Treatment is a grievance
  • Dehydration
  • Fear
  • Regular Crying
  • a head injury
  • Malnourishment
  • Overdose on a drug
  • Bad Hygiene
  • Unclean Bedding
  • Withdrawal

Why Choose Nursing Home Lawyer Chris J. Roy, Jr. APLC in Marksville, LA?

We understand the law completely because we are skilled nursing home attorneys. To keep your loved one secure and free from nursing home abuse, we are fully aware of what must be done. Additionally, we are aware that your loved one is entitled to financial recompense for the abuse they have experienced, and we can guarantee that your case is handled in a respectful manner so that your loved one will be given all of the compensation to which they are entitled.

We are aware of the horrible circumstances this can create for any family. Our attorneys for nursing home abuse are available to assist. For a free consultation, give us a call right away.

Do I Need an Attorney for Nursing Home Negligence Claim in Marksville, LA?

I have defended hundreds of families whose loved ones have been the targets of nursing home abuse or neglect in my capacity as a lawyer for nursing home negligence. These incidents vary from bedsores, now known as pressure ulcers, to recurrent uTIs, sepsis, pharmaceutical mistakes, and open mistreatment of the patient. Additionally, they comprise repeated falls in which people are either dropped or fall and get critical injuries.

The State of Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals is often the place where you, the family member, can make a complaint. The surveyors at the nursing facility will look into this complaint and provide their results. These conclusions may be utilised in a subsequent legal action.

Residents frequently experience inadequate hygiene, such as lying in feces or urine, which leads to skin breakdowns. These pressure sores can cause mortality if they become infected and spread. Repeat urinary tract infections are similar in this regard.

In order to determine how many staff is there, not only during the week but also on weekends when injuries frequently occur, you should visit the nursing home and speak to other families of residents. Additionally, you can check the rankings of different nursing homes in our region on Medicare.gov to see if they offer adequate or subpar care. These cases are accepted on a contingency fee basis by our Marksville medical malpractice law office. The Medical Malpractice Act, a unique regulation pertaining to healthcare providers, must be used to file the majority of them. These disputes incur costs since specialists must be retained, and their resolution might take months or even years. In order to learn what happened to your loved one, we thoroughly examine the matter and take all depositions, which makes our firm unique. We comprehend the emotional toll that witnessing a loved one being abused or neglected in a nursing home causes. Our nursing home attorney offers compassion for those clients and the tools needed to secure justice for the abused people.

Contact Our Marksville, Louisiana Nursing Home Neglect Lawyer

I have fought for the rights of victims of carelessness, abuse and neglect in nursing homes, as well as small enterprises, against strong special interests like insurance corporations as a former state senator and attorney for for 30 years. If you honor me by giving me the opportunity to speak for you, I will continue to do so. Contact us online or give our nursing home lawyer a call right away.

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